Lakes International Comic Art Festival 2016


Before you can say “ridiculously overcommitted”, here’s a brief rundown of what I’m up to at the Lakes this year (driving up in a couple of hours or so)


“What is Home?”

I have an exhibition on at the Foyer Cafe, Kendal YWCA, LA9 4RA

Improvisation on Saturday

I’m running a table Saturday morning at the Kids Zone with BYA Artseen, making improvised comics from junk and stuff, face paint, masks, ourselves, etc. etc. Drop in for as little or as long as you like. Grown ups also welcome, so long as you behave!

A workshop for adults on improvised comics techniques, and the interplay between found objects, improvisation and formal experiments. We’ll explore in an open-ended way, and also create a strip that will end up in the Panelalia anthology, published online that very evening!

Electricomics Anthology

I’ll be releasing “Panelalia” on the Electricomics platform on Saturday evening – timed so because the final set of pages will be created in the afternoon workshop.

Lines of Enquiry

My work, and that of my collaborators Simon Russell, Gareth Hopkins and Allan Haverholm, will be on sale at the Clocktower. We also have a few copies of Simon Moreton’s “Plans We Made”

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